Knock knock knock…

It’s Monday night around 8:15 and I’m anxiously awaiting the start of Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Finals. It’s do or die time for the Bruins, now or never. I figure most people around the Boston area are pretty pumped up for this game and have taken their seats on the couch with drinks in hand ready for the opening face-off.

hA1FE9CBAI was wrong.

Knock, knock, knock….

Three reasons this isn’t a good knock.
1. I didn’t order any takeout. I’m actually wishing I had now that I think about it though. Mmm Chinese.
2. I have no friends coming over tonight.
3. I live in a locked building.

I should have pretended I was asleep….Crap.

Backstory: My condo association is currently in the midst of turmoil. Apparently there’s something going on with the other building that’s part of our association and now some of the owners in this particular building want to divorce the others and take all their money. Nah just kidding, well about the money part anyway. I really don’t think the Association has much in the way of “cash on hand”.  Needless to say owners keep knocking on my door hoping to educate me on the situation while at the same time lobbying for my vote. It’s getting to be a bit annoying but at the same time I’m conflicted since I’m also feeling quite popular at the moment like I hold the key to victory or something.

Sadly, however, they don’t realize that I just don’t care. Yes, I know I should though.

Here’s a condensed portion of our conversation (I’ve shortened it since it was a tad bit boring):

Guy: “Hi, do you own this condo or rent it?”

Me:  Say you rent it, say you rent it! “I own it.” Ugh.

Guy: “Oh I haven’t seen you at any of the owner meetings.”


Me: “Ya, I uh keep meaning to go to those. Is this about the other building? Did you want my email address to send over info? I already gave it to two other guys that talked to me about it as well.” Seriously dude, the B’s are on in under 5 minutes, make it quick. It’s Game 6!!!

Guy: “Actually, we have a meeting Thursday night with the lawyers to discuss our options regarding breaking away from the other building.”

Me: Thirsty Thu…I mean “This Thursday? Hmm, I’m not sure if I can make it to that one. I’ll have to check my schedule.

Guy: “Yeah well you know it’d be nice if we can get everyone there and then we’re going to have a meeting with all owners and the developers in August for the final vote.”tumblr_m1v493l2aE1ql4whgo1_500

Me: Perfect…my exit. “Oh excellent, I’ll be at that one. I just don’t think I can make it to the meeting Thursday night. Work is just really demanding lately…”

Guy: “Oh okay, no problem. So I was just dja;kldj;flajd;fja;sjdf;lajd;fja;djfa;ksj”

Me: I didn’t hear anything he just said because all I could hear was the Bruins getting ready to drop the puck! “Ok, well that sounds good, I actually have to get going….got a roast in the oven I have to check on. It was nice talking to you though.”

Guy: “Great, I’ll let you know how the meeting goes.”

Me: “Ok, have a nice night.”


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One thought on “Knock knock knock…

  1. Tara

    Haha a pot roast…. I love it.

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