Monthly Archives: December 2013

Home for the Holidays

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas….what a wonderful time of the year! It’s a time to spend with family and friends and enjoy that holiday cheer! It’s important though to remember what the season is all about and appreciate the chance you get to spend with your loved ones.

“Mom, dad….I’m home!”

ho ho ho

So I’m at the parent’s house a couple of days before Christmas and head out for drinks with friends. I arrive back at the house around 9:30 or so, pop open a bottle of wine and sit down to watch the rest of Monday Night Football. As I’m sitting there enjoying the game (and more wine) I thought it might be nice to let them know I’ve made it in safely for the night.

Looking back, I probably didn’t need to alert them to my presense by yelling especially since it was about 11pm and the ‘rents go to bed around 8:30 or 9. I turn around to see my mother. Of course I said hello.


My dad didn’t appreciate the humor. Whatevs.

The next morning I awake to work a bit and get ready for the busy day ahead.

I really planned on putting in a solid 3 hours for Christmas Eve (til noon) however plans change and you can’t control it. After all, twas the morning before Christmas…


Twas the afternoon before Christmas and I was even more bored..


Christmas Eve we spent with family roaming around town to different places eventually making our way back to the homestead. As soon as we got home it was time for the onesie. And another drink.

That’s actually Taylor Swift and her bro in onesie’s but you get the idea. I’ll have you know I rocked the onsie and I may be a bit biased but have to say…I was adorable!

Christmas moring I’m awoken by my mom telling me to get up so we can all open presents. I really had the urge to roll over and fall back asleep but it’s amazing the power that the smell of bacon has on someone. So I haul my ass out of bed, follow the smell of sizzling bacon, pour myself a drink and get excited at the thought of opening gifts and eating a homemade breakfast.

capri sun booze

Opening gifts in my family is always quite the experience. My dad’s a professional wrapper so it’s usually difficult to do as good a job as he does.

2013-12-25 09.35.09             2013-12-25 09.36.26-2

Hope everyone had a happy holiday!

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